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Traveling with a full-time job can seem impossible. Especially if your vacation days are pretty limited, which is usually the biggest hindrance (besides budget). But traveling with a full-time job is not only possible, it’s more within reach than you think.
If you’re working full time (especially in the United States), then your paid time off is likely very limited. So be smart with it. Maximize time away from your 9 to 5 by combining vacation days with federal holidays. Also, learn to love the long weekend! Rather than using a huge chunk of your vacation time at once, use a day or two at a time (attached to a weekend or holiday), and take several mini-trips throughout the year.
If you can be flexible on dates and times, you can find cheaper flights. More importantly: be flexible about the destination! (Yes, really!) Be open to exploring places you maybe hadn’t thought of before. Choose to appreciate the travel itself without clinging to particular destinations as the only places worth exploring or visiting.
Yes, it’s possible to accidentally stumble upon an amazing travel deal. But really, fantastic travel deals come to those who look for them. (And look. And look.) In addition to regularly searching for special offers, see where your local airport flies direct, look into any partnerships your company may have, and comb through local travel blogs for tips from your specific area.
Have a list of places, dates, and types of deals you like, so when you come across a special offer, you’re ready to act decisively. (It really will be gone if you don’t act fast.) Also, don’t wait until a long weekend is upon you before you brainstorm options. Do your dreaming and research ahead of time so you can maximize your travels as soon as the weekend begins.
Remember: traveling with a full-time job does not require that traveling BE your full-time job! You do not have to quit your day job to enjoy regular travel. Yes, there are limitations and hurdles to overcome. But if you can be smart, flexible, intentional, and decisive—probably the same skills that make you great at your 9 to 5!—then you can make it happen. Meanwhile, be sure to check out our impressive collection of travel bags to bring along on your adventures.